Create New Forecast

To create a new forecast, follow these steps below.

  1. Login and browse to Forecast -> New Forecast.
  2. Fill in inputs the form and click the “Submit Forecast” button when done.
    • Channel: The name of the method these batches of donors will be acquired through.
    • Supplier: The name of the agency that acquire these batches of donors.
    • Expected Average Gift: The average donation amount each donor commits to donate monthly.
    • Pre-debit Fail %: The estimated percentage of donors that will drop out before making any donation attempts.
    • Cost Per Acquisition: The cost to acquire donors.
    • Donor Care Cost: The monthly cost spent to manage existing donors.
    • Transaction Cost %: The surcharge percentage occurred when attempting to process transaction such as credit card surcharge.
    • Decline %: The estimated percentage of unsuccessful donation attempts.
    • Include PRFA Cost: Select this if you want to include the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) membership levy on each donor you acquired.
    • Starting Forecast Month: The month you start acquiring the first cohort.
    • Version Name: The name of this forecast.
    • Donors per month: The number of donors acquired per month.
    • Attrition: The estimated attrition rate. Default attrition rate is given if not supplied.
  3. Wait until the process is finished. You can also export the result as CSV by clicking the “Export Data to CSV” button.